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Specialized, flexible one on one tutoring to guide your student through the SAT
The HSPT may is likely to be your student’s first experience with standardized testing, and a trusted guide can make all the difference by demystifying the test and helping them to master the necessary academic content and learn the essential skills to help them thrive on Test Day.
When your student works with a tutor at Open Door, they have a reliable partner in both accountability and confidence. Because each student is unique, your student’s tutor will provide individualized guidance to help your student to address their specific challenges with tried-and-true strategies that become second nature with practice.
Each student begins by learning the architecture and personality of the test, strategies for each section, and important patterns that improve both pacing and accuracy. As your student progresses, their tutor will provide increasingly individualized support, and your student will see their hard work pay off as they periodically complete full-length practice tests.
By the time Test Day arrives, your student will have the knowledge, the experience, and the confidence to earn scores that they are proud of.
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